Stalking the Summit of Mt. Rainier

My good friend Jeff Handlin and his brother Scott just fulfilled a dream by attempting to summit Mount Rainier. “We found out there is no such thing as conquering a mountain; it can flick one off like a piece of lint anytime it feels like it,” Jeff said in an email to me. “But if one perseveres respectfully, it may deem worthiness and grant passage for a short time.”

Jeff and Scott battled steep slopes, crevasses and 50mph winds to earn their summit view at 7:30am Wednesday, June 15th.

“We agreed this was pretty much one of the hardest things we’ve ever done,” Jeff wrote, “but we were treated to one of the most grueling and rewarding experiences of our lives.”

Here are a few of Jeff’s photos from the climb.

camp, muir, rainier, snow, wind, sky, summit, mountain, mount, washington
At Muir Camp. Photo by Jeff Handlin
climb, camp, muir, rainier, snow, wind, sky, summit, mountain, mount, washington
On Disappointment Cleaver Route. Photo by Jeff Handlin
climb, camp, muir, rainier, snow, wind, sky, summit, mountain, mount, washington
Worth the Effort. Photo by Jeff Handlin
climb, scenery, camp, muir, rainier, snow, wind, sky, summit, mountain, mount, washington
A New Day on Rainier. Photo by Jeff Handlin

Congratulations, guys!


106 responses to “Stalking the Summit of Mt. Rainier”

  1. […] northwest, providing a landmark and a reminder of the great wildernesses that lie untamed. Though people like Jeff climb Rainier, most would not consider it […]

  2. Um. WOW! Amazing accomplishment, and INCREDIBLE photos…

    I now return to my cup of coffee and Internet surfing…feeling a bit silly and unaccomplished after these pix…


  3. Wow–I’m impressed! Thanks for sharing these fabulous photos–conquering the mountain! And congrats on Freshly Pressed!

  4. thebigbookofdating Avatar

    WOW these are really really amazing shots!!! (:

  5. Hope you had fun during the expedition.
    And nice sun photo there! 🙂

  6. Wonderful, scarey, amazing and YOU PEOPLE ARE CRAZY!:) Well done!.

  7. WOW…just awesome pics !!! Congrats on being Freshly Pressed ! 🙂

  8. OMG!!! That looks amazing! (And scary!) I admire him for taking such an advertous trip!

  9. Wow! Congratulations and some very nice photos. I visited Rainier from the UK in 2006 and went as high as one could go before climbing was necessary. I was completely in awe of what I saw and fell in love with that mountain instantly.

  10. There goes my feeling all good and accomplished about completing my hot yoga class today! : ) Excellent accomplishment and stunning stunning photos. Wow!

  11. very good shots. and unique hobby. i believe it’s more like spiritual trip. or psychological trip to make your brain more peaceful.

    1. Absolutely. I couldn’t have said it better.

  12. What stunning images from an equally stunning adventure.

    Out of interest, how high is Mount Rainier?

    I do wish I were a tad more athletically inclined, as it is, I remain athletically challenged!

    Thanks for much for sharing such an inspring post.

    1. It is 14,411 feet (4,392 meters) and its prominence is 13,211 feet (4,027 meters). Mount Rainier is the 21st most prominent peak in the world.

  13. I love to stare out the window and take in the immensity of this mountain/volcano when I fly into Seattle. These are amazing up close pictures of something I’ve only seen from a distance. I remember it seemed to be 30 minutes into our flight departing, and I could still see it! Awesome photos of an awesome mountain/volcano.

  14. Okay, that 2nd to last photo makes me dizzy. Congrats to your friends! Amazing journey and great shots!! Today I conquered getting my 6-year-old off to camp and getting to work. Lots of parallels between this and mountain climbing: tons of gear, lack of sleep, lots of trudging, a little crying (me), dragging of feet (him), breathlessness, and an amazing sense of accomplishment that we both made it to our respective locations on time!

    1. I’d love to see the photo essay for that! Cheers!

  15. Nice photo essay on climbing one of the most dangerous stratovolcanoes in the world. The vivid photos in particular gave me a sense of what it would have been like climbing this icon of the Cascades. Thank you. Namaste…

  16. […] Stalking the Summit of Mt. Rainier […]

  17. One Word – BEAUTIFUL. Here’s to celebrating the beauties around us. Congrats on being FP!

  18. Mountains

    Are you stepping
    onto a reluctant foothold

    of some ancient stone pushed
    from the mantle in a fit

    of rage, its frost glossed surface
    a constant threat?

    Is your walking stick pressed
    into the loose remarks of shale

    that have lain in peace till now?
    When I lie down to sleep

    I am parallel to the sky as if God
    himself placed me prone

    upon the ground at birth just
    to contrast your dogged slant, my legs

    too short my vision too narrow
    to climb. Your mountains are real

    to you but a mere distant outline
    in my periphery a photograph spiked

    with small dark specs too far away
    for me to know for sure if I am seeing

    mountain climber or mountain goat
    and too near to heaven for someone

    as tied to earth as I.

    1. Enjoyed the poetry as much as the pic’s Grace.

  19. Wow, what an adventure to partake! Thank you for sharing!

  20. woww very nice photos

  21. Wow great! Congrats!
    The pictures are awesome!

  22. Brilliant photos – looks scarily sleep that snow slope though! My limit is the Scottish Highlands and British mountains in winter and I find them challenging – your trip is quite a few jumps above that!

  23. biscuitskill3t Avatar

    Absolutely INCREDIBLE shots! And AWESOME journey… way to go!

  24. tleitao Avatar

    Awesome photos! I have climbed “The Mountain” 3 times. It is definitely an amazing experience.


  25. thor27 Avatar

    Nice climb neat photos it was windy I could tell.

  26. ok, i give full marks for those guys. i always want to do something just like this.

    maybe i just am lack of courage.

  27. Congratulations! Glad that everyone made it back safe and sound! I’ve taken so many photos OF the mountain and always wondered what it would look like FROM the mountain! Thanks for sharing the great photos and your jubilation of conquering “the mountain.”

  28. Cool shots! A lot more challenging than Mt. Antero in Colorado which is a 14er and I have climbed/hiked. No snow either.
    Congrats on being FP!

  29. amazing photo of summit. and love your blog 😀

  30. wow… Mountain climbing is so fun….

  31. great trip,

    great mount climbing!

  32. One of my favorite places. Early North Americans called it Tahoma, but no name really does it justice. I like the Goat Rocks just south of Rainier too.

  33. deepika Avatar

    Beautiful is the word for the pictures.

  34. Great shots! Looks like they had awesome weather for the trek!!

  35. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing. It brought up memories of climbing Mt Kinabalu in Borneo many years back. It was a similar height and we watched the sunrise with thunderstorms underneath us.

  36. OH, I love your pictures. It gets me totally into the mood for hiking and mountaineering. I want to do the John Muir Trail next year.
    There is nothing more beautiful and rewarding than being out in such a beautiful nature. Thank you so much for reminding me!

    Peace and Smiles


  37. Adventure at its very best!

  38. Love this Mt. I’m from Seattle,..most I did was Paradise point.

  39. Cool Pics(: Mount Rainer reminds me of my childhood. I don’t know why so dont ask.

  40. Scarlett Avatar

    Gorgeous photos; thank you so much for sharing your work! I love hiking and climbing, but my camera skills are sorrowfully lacking…

  41. these photos are amazing!

  42. Wow! really amazing


  44. lovely! Congrats

  45. Nice shots. I am jealous of this experience of yours, but was inspired by the beauty of these photos. Keep on inspiring people. 🙂

  46. Those are great photos…

  47. Love the photo’s. I haven’t been to Rainier in a very long time… brought back some great memories:

  48. kondendin Avatar

    i like , in thailand not is snow T-T

  49. Amazing pictures! Thanks for sharing them.

  50. Good one.

  51. The times in our lives that we remember are those when we put forth unprecedented effort, conquered our fears and did what we thought was impossible. It doesn’t need to be climbing a mountain…it can be as small as putting one’s foot on the floor and taking one tiny step. The point is the challenge, not the feat

    Nevertheless, what a feat!!


  52. Kim Owens Avatar
    Kim Owens

    Thanks so much for sharing! Mt. Rainier is in my hometown, and I now live in Australia… I saw your post in Freshly Pressed and OF COURSE had to read it… it made me so homesick! The photos are absolutely stunning! Congratulations on Freshly Pressed and Congrats to your friends on such an amazing accomplishment! Kim

  53. A decade ago I was standing way below the summit looking up, seeing at least two teams working their way to the top. The awesome grandness of the mountain and the effort they where putting in made me a richer person. The trail run down to the mountain station later was and still is to this day the best run I’ve ever experienced. Some day I hope to return and follow in your footsteps.


  54. joahnadiyosa Avatar

    Wow! Great perspectives! Summits are really great subjects for photography! 🙂 Congrats for being freshly pressed! ^^

  55. wow wonderful and adventerous trip . May be Try on Nepal moutains if possible

    have a safe journey

  56. What a great challange! the photos are amazing!!

  57. Awesome journey. Your 200 words and few but beautiful pics tell an amazing story!

  58. very amazing picture of the mountain.i feel how small we are..

  59. Modern Funk Avatar
    Modern Funk

    Amazing photos…adventure of a lifetime!

  60. WOW,,,,,tht’s amazing

  61. can’t imagine how it feels to be there..

  62. Heidi Nicole Avatar
    Heidi Nicole

    The above the clouds photos are simply amazing! Gorgeous and it looks to be so worth the effort!

  63. Morgan Harper Nichols Avatar
    Morgan Harper Nichols

    This is amazing. I simply cannot imagine seeing such things with my own eyes.

  64. The last photo is my favorite! Well done!

  65. looks like an amazing place!

  66. […] FreshlyPressed This entry was posted in Gunung Stong State Park and tagged Rainier, Stalking, Summit. Bookmark the permalink. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL. « Red, White, and Blue Chocolate Dipped Strawberries […]

  67. Beautiful images. I recently did a painting of Mt Rainier, but from a very much lower and safer altitude. lol Congrats on being Freshly Pressed.

  68. Fantastic photos! What an accomplishment. My cousin is doing that this week. I hope her weather is as good as theirs.

  69. Wow nice pics, went to Mt Rainier many times to hike around…climbing it seems definitively sth different!

  70. The last picture is stunning; it took my breath away. 🙂 Congrats for summiting that mountain.

  71. wow, gorgeous pictures. My congratulations to your friend jeff on this amazing feat.

  72. Really nice pictures. Interesting to see how different the ice looks in June compared to how it looked when I was there later in September in 91. You climbed on snow, we mostly climbed on ice sculpted by wind into “ice-waves” and gravel (from 11K to 12K). WOW, camp Muir had so much more show in your photo. I thought I was unlucky to experience winds or 50 to 80 mph, but from your blog, that sounds common. Nice job getting to the summit. I wish I could find my negatives and convert them to digital format to share.

  73. Awesome pics.
    About the 2nd pic.. Is it an avalanche?

    1. Nope. Just a narrow path on a steep sidehill.

  74. Inspiring! Awesome! Use to live in Washington State for 7 yrs and I loved visiting Mt. Ranier!

  75. What a fabulas picture, I’m loving it and I hope to go there someday!!!

  76. fygar292 Avatar

    wonderful experience .. I wish I could do something like this!.awesome :D!

  77. […] the Pacific Northwest, is a massive.  And dangerous.  So we at Arthur are all admiring the great pictures posted here of attempting the […]

  78. Everything spells thrill and adventure. best one was the last photo, looks like a guiding star telling everyone to follow it. congrats.

  79. It is so beautiful!! I want to go there when saw these pictures!!

  80. Eric E Photography Avatar
    Eric E Photography

    Cool photos, I live in Seattle and love when the mountain is out!! I climbed it in whiteout and wind with no view, so I’m anxious to get back. Thanks for sharing!

  81. For a moment I was taken back 20 years ago, I was a resident of Tacoma Wa. I remember driving there from Florida and thinking to myself how much beauty that I’ve missed until I reaced that part of the country. Your photos are greatly appreciated………..peace

  82. Wonderful photos! They truly give a sense of how small man is in this environment an how overwhelming it must feel to be “standing on top of the world.” Thank you for sharing!

  83. Awesome photos – looks like a brilliant climb.

  84. What an interesting adventure!

  85. nice shot the last pic looks excellent! and congrats for reaching the summit!

  86. Julia Streit Avatar
    Julia Streit

    So beautiful, it hurts not to be there! Amazing pictures. Thank you for posting them!

  87. realanonymousgirl2011 Avatar

    Amazing! I don’t know if I could ever do that.

  88. Gorgeous photography. Truly breathtaking!

  89. What an incredible impressive journey climbing the summit!! That small path of ice is so impressive, dangerous too, but the panorama is breathtaking!

  90. Chinook Country Chick Avatar
    Chinook Country Chick

    Amazing! I live din Seattle for 11 years and always got a good view of Rainier on a clear day (which really isn’t all too often- ha ha!)

    I bagged my first peak this week, though not nearly to the level of Rainier. You can check it out here:

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